our design philosophy

Purpose-built design philosophy.

Timebirds™ products are the result of listening to people like you and constantly optimizing  

Athletes of all kinds are built for unique attributes, some for great strength, some for speed and agility and others for amazing endurance. They train for a purpose and just like them we believe design is best when it is purpose-built. So while there are many great timing options on the market, our philosophy is to design for specific workout needs. But we are never done learning and refining our products, we appreciate every bit of community feedback and consider all needs in our designs.


You asked us to make time portable, so we made the wall-mounted gym timer pocket-sized and built the remote control directly onto the device. You asked for it to be highly-visible, so we designed a custom LED block with pure greens and super bright reds, creating the best screen to body ratio of any portable fitness timer. You asked for it to be durable, so we built a consolidated circuit board with no loose components that could fatigue under stress and we added a dual neodymium magnetic spine that will retain its magnetic strength for more than 100 years. Then we added a super-refined silicone protective case for further protection during your workouts and your travels. In short, we built it from the inside out.


It's the feedback we get from our athletes and the community that help us get better every day, so please keep sharing, keep commenting and keep challenging ❤️🐥

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